Privacy Policy

Networth Financial Corp. is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information we collect and maintain in the course of carrying on our business.

1. Purposeful Collection

We will collect information needed to provide a high level of service. We collect, hold, and use the personal information in your client record, for the following purposes:

  • Identifying you;
  • Ensuring the accuracy of information contained in your client record;
  • Administering your account;
  • Maintaining, recording and storing account holdings and transaction information;
  • Executing transactions with or through mutual fund companies, life insurance companies, intermediaries or financial institutions, including transferred funds by electronic or other means;
  • Providing you with investment account statements and related documents or reports for the financial transactions which you have made;
  • Meeting legal and regulatory requirements; and,
  • Verifying information previously given by you with any other organization when necessary for the purposes provided above.

We obtain this information from a variety of sources, including from you, from our earlier records, and from references you provide to us. We collect this information from third parties such as mutual fund companies, insurance companies, and financial institutions who represent that they have a right to disclose the information in keeping with our service to you as a mutual client.

2. Use, Disclosure, and Retention

We will use and disclose your information only as permitted by law for the purposes of providing you excellent service, or when it is required by law. We retain your information only as long as is necessary for the fulfillment of these purposes.

NFC and Global Pacific Financial Services Ltd. cooperate in assisting advisors to transfer their client mutual fund business to NFC for mutual fund transactions. Employees may work for both companies and therefore have access to your client record in order to provide the combined services of both entities. We make this information available to our employees and third party service providers, but they will not share this information with others, unless it is necessary as disclosed in this notice, or required by law.

3. Keeping Your Information Accurate

In keeping with prudent business practice and as required by regulators, we keep up-to-date personal and financial client information, and do our best to base our decisions on accurate information. Please inform us promptly of any change in your personal information including address, employment, marital status, risk tolerance, investment objectives, income level, and any other information you believe is important for us to serve you well.

4. Your Consent and Right to Access

We provide you with our Privacy Policy when you open an account with us, and in a separate communication when the policy is materially altered. By signing an account opening document, and/or by continuing to do business with us, you consent to the use of your information. You can withdraw your consent to use your information by contacting our Privacy Compliance Officer in writing. Except in limited circumstances, we can provide you with the information we have about you within 20 days of receipt of your request. We may not be able to provide you with your information: if it contains references to other persons or companies and the references are subject to legal privilege; if it relates to an investigation of a breach of agreement or contravention of laws; or for other legal reasons. Your decision to withhold information may also limit the products or services we are able to provide to you.

5. Storing Personal Information

Your client record, in electronic or paper format, is kept at the NFC Head Office, the branch office where you do business, and if applicable the insurance business where you do business. We protect your information with appropriate security measures.

6. Regulatory Organizations

Regulatory organizations including the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization(CIRO), Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC), and Provincial Securities Commissions require access to personal information of current and former clients, employees, agents, directors, officers, partners.

7. Resolving Any Concerns

If you have any questions or complaints about the treatment of your information please follow these steps:

  • In most cases, a concern is resolved by discussing it directly 1. with your representative, or if preferred, with one of our staff by contacting us directly.
  • Privacy Compliance Officer (PCO): C/O 20 – 5579 47th Street, Red Deer, AB, T4N 1S1 Phone: 587.457.2661
  • If after contacting our PCO your concerns remain unresolved, 3. you may contact the self-regulatory body to which we belong. The Canadian Regulatory Organization, Calgary Regional Of-fice, 255-5th Avenue S.W., Suite 100, Bow Valley Square 3, Calgary, A.B., T2P 3G6, Ph: 403.262.6393, Toll-free(Canada/US): 1.877.442.4322, Toll Free(outside Canada/US) 1.800.555.2323.
  • You may also contact the BC and Alberta Privacy Commissioner: PO 4. Box 9038, Stn. Prov. Govt., Victoria, B.C. V8W 9A4, Ph: 250.387.5629.